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© 2013 created by kennyswork

  • Kenny Wong 王信明 -“KENNYSWORK”創立人,

  • “鐵人兄弟”美術總監,2010-2011香港專業插畫師協會副會長。

  • 榮獲2011十大傑出設計師獎。

  • 成名作品有"Molly the painter"以及"copperhead-18",

  • 當中包括以其系列 Copperhead-18命名推出levi's TEE 及牛仔褲

  • 首次為日本電玩公司Square Enix 設計一系列電玩角色

  • 首位香港設計師得到美國狄士尼公司認可

  • 改變米奇老鼠的原有造型,為其下角色米奇老鼠創作出設計師系列米奇。

  • 個人作品曾於香港藝術中心,文化中心、香港大學博物館、韓國科技大學,台南崑山科技大學以及北京三里屯等展出。

  • 現正努力於授權及設計工作。

  • kenny's Bio:

  • Kenny Wong( - Founder of the  Kennyswork , Director  of the Brothersfree and

  • vice chairman of the Hong Kong Society of illustrators .


  • Kenny Wong - founder of “KENNYSWORK”, Art Director of “brothersfree”

  • and founding members of Hong Kong Society of Illustrators. 

  • His highlight works including his brands - “Molly the Painter” and

  • “Copperhead-18”. They did crossover with well-known brands successfully,

  • which including “Copperhead-18” x Levis tee and jeans etc. 

  • US Disneyland delegated Mickey Mouse to Kenny for a “Mickey Designer

  • Series” making him became the first authorized designer in HK. 

  • Kenny is the first appointed HK designer to aut by US Disneyland to work on

  • Mickey Mouse series.

  • Kenny's personal works was exhibited in HK Arts Centre, HKU Museum and HK Visual

  • Arts Centre , Beijing Sanitun,Tainan Kun Shan University and Seoul National University of Technology

  • Now, Kenny is focusing on his license and design works.

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