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Molly TEE 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Angryfish Molly 限量八百套

Angryfish Molly – limited edition @ only 800 pcs.

Copperhead Molly  限量八百套

Copperhead Molly – limited edition @ only 800 pcs.

Mc Molly 全球限量五十套

Mc Molly – limited edition @ only 50 pcs.

Burglar Molly 全球限量五十套

Burglar Molly – limited edition @ only 50 pcs.

FRIENDLY MOLLY—– molly in the rain 全球限量二百五十套

Friendly Molly – Molly in the Rain- limited edition @ only 250 pcs worldwide.

FRIENDLY MOLLY—– princess molly 全球限量二百五十套

Friendly Molly – Princess Molly – limited edition @ only 250 pcs worldwide.

LED keychain

LED key cover

Molly Fan  台北國際玩具創作大展 kennyswork獨家會場限量贈品

My Fans, I prepare Molly Fan to you as a gift premium in Taipei International Toy Festival. Only with limited quantity ^^

Molly Yoyo card sticker 台北國際玩具創作大展 kennyswork獨家會場限量贈品

An other premium is Molly Yoyo card sticker. Same place. Of course, first come first served.Posted by


  • 由香港傳奇figure 品牌THREEZERO 和人氣澳籍插畫大師ASHLEY WOOD合作的 “3A“公司,卒領六位創作精英,當中包括有畫家,雕塑家,插畫師,漫畫家,設計師等,於北京三里屯以旋風般的姿態完成了一場既令人難忘又震憾的ART and Toys 展覽—-北京聚會。

Leading by a corporate firm “3A” – the Hong Kong legendary figurine brand, THREEZERO & well-known Australian illustrator, Ashley Wood; and six more elite: painter, sculptor, illustrator, comic artist & designer, all gather in Beijing to finish a stunning & astonishing “ART and Toys” exhibition in a wonderful whirly speed.

  • 雖然為期只有數天,但是對整個北京的同業來說,這絕對是一個無比的衝擊。展覽出作品除了立體作品外,畫作超過一百八十多幅。3A的主腦人之一KIM表示,展覽的時間雖然很短,只有一個星期,而所投放的資源亦不少,但是當看到當日的成績和各位藝術家的滿意笑容,就知道多月來的努力是絕對值得的。

Though “ART and Toys” only last for few days but it brought a huge impact on the whole industry in Beijing. Besides those 3-D art, painting have already over 180pcs. Head of “3A”, Kim said it’s a rare occasion that so many resources were put on for such a short exhibition. But when you review the outcomes with the satisfactory smiles from our artists, you know that it was absolutely worthwhile!!

  • 在北京朝陽區少見如此有影響力的活動出現,加上每位藝術家都因為各自的人氣和吸引力把地球村的支持者一一吸引到會場,當中包括歐洲、美洲、澳洲、台灣、星加坡、大馬和香港的朋外,

You can’t underestimate the magnetic field of Chaoyang district in Beijing. It draws all the art fanatics from the world, including Europe, USA, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia & Hong Kong.

  • 最令人感動的還是來自中國各省市城鎮的粉絲也來到會場,看到有來自黑龍江和內蒙古的朋友也到場,就是為了一睹各創作人的風彩,居身其中,感到莫大的感動。
  • Kenny更以六萬元人民幣賣出其中一幅魚童作品,對自已總算有個交代^^

  • RMB $60,000 for this FishChild (yu Tong ). Let’s called it’s a good deal, right?


  • 感動時刻一幕接一幕,相對於去年同樣是十分成功的HK VENTURE 的展覽,今次的北京聚會更加可以說是感動完滿,成績驕人。

With indulging the emotional moment, I dared to say this exhibition far outperformed the one in HK Venture last year.

  • 每位進場的支持者都期待著開門進場的這一刻。這就是3A的魅力所在。

Check out the charisma of “3A”! Fans all flooding at the lobby.

  • Ashley 的作品最誘人

  • A sensational painting from Ashley

  • 會場的一角。

A corner in exhibition.

  • Jeremy 的作品活像現代的詩

  • Admire the poetic art piece from Jeremy~


  • Phil 的作品充滿扭曲的美

Feel the tension created by twisted forms in Phil’s painting.

  • 這位是年青的香港藝術家 DOROPHY TANG的作品

See one of the painting from Hong Kong artist, Dorothy Tang.


  • Rufus當晚也成為了小雷的小粉絲了~ 小雷事實上真的很利害! 小雷感激妳的到場支持~~

Nobody can resist Little thunder’s work. See even Rufus is no exception. Little thunder, you are really gorgeous!

  • Cyclone先生的會場佈置~~讚!!

    Oh dear! A wonderful setting from Cyclone!

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