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這個位於台北東區Monster Gear的魔法表演終於成功展出,多謝每位由台灣不同地區遠道而來的朋友,感激!

Thanks so much for those coming a long way to make this exhibition a great success!


Still the aroma of chocolate still lingered in everybody’s mind.

雖然開幕派對當天首賣的兩百隻Monster molly於首兩小時經已售罄,但各位未有買到的朋友不用灰心,因為更精彩的版本還未推出呢~

Don’t feel disappointed though the 200 pieces Monster Molly sold out within two hours on that day because Monster Molly will have new special edition coming. I assure you it will be more awesome.


I always keep my autograph pen along just in case for any occasion ^^

是 I-BUDDY  Molly 啊~~~

Oh! i-Buddy Molly.


Can’t stop or non-stoppable?!

這一位在同一天在 Monster Gear 附近的paradise展出的日本朋友,早在七年前已看過他的作品了~


My pleasure! A Japanese friend of paradise dropped by. I saw his work 7 years ago.


Dined with Push Comic. He gave me an autograph on his nine Lifes Man.

Wing:” 點解大師畫你都唔畫我 “

( 精彩圖片由攝影師Aster提供 )

Ashley 正在指導Kenny 落筆 ^^

My mentor, Ashely ^^


Hong Kong Venture 開幕派對當日,3A主腦人鋒哥重金禮聘兩位來自澳洲的當紅藝術家Ashley Wood, Jeremy 連同幾位本地藝術家 Kenny wong, Colan Ho , Mak siu fung 來個史無前例的超聯展,來賓接近三百人,當中有幾十位更加是組團過來為了一睹大師風采,其中一件作品亦因為人潮太湧而倒下,可謂迫到爆。大師們更即席揮 毫,其中作品”魚童”更成了當晚焦點所在,大師筆下一揮,小魚童升價十倍。

In the opening party of Hong Kong Venture, head of 3A, Kim  invited two of the most Australian eminent painters, Ashley Wood and Jeremy Geddes; together with local artists, Kenny Wong, Colan Ho and Siufung Mak to raise an unprecedented joined exhibition. Almost three hundred visitors overcrowded in the venue. Dozens of them came from a long way. All they long for was to have a close look of live painting by artists. You can’t imagine that one of the paintings was dropped due to the crowdedness. “FishChild” was the big big winner because with her portrait by Master Painter Ashley!! Sure appreciation tenfold!




地址    偉業街一六九號三A

時間    中午二點至晚上九點

Check out the wonderful episodes:

Don’t miss it. It only lasts to 13th.

Address: 3A, 169 Wai Yip Street.

Time: 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm


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