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上星期接到一位朋友的邀請,說有位遠道而來的朋友希望接探訪—Ashley wood,哇!當時真的很興奮呢!!

Last week, got an invitation from my best friend saying a guest, Ashley Wood would come together. Wow, Ashley?! It’s true. I couldn’t believe at that moment!

Day back to six years, I brought a illustration book it was so fantastic though I hadn’t notice who is the illustrator. I just guessed it must someone older than me a few years. What a surprise Ashley came to me and he is only thirty something.

Ashley wood 到訪 kennyswork

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

上星(被他在網誌上的照片欺騙了^^)個子大大的,很有眼神的,沒有架子,還在現場很認真地畫了一幅popbot給我!I was cheated by his photo in website! Actually he is a big guy with keen eyes, modest and friendly. See he drew me a popbot!


It was so enticing when looking at Ashley drew, I couldn’t help to pick up my brush immediately.

(這個計劃我可已經準備了一個晚上呢,畫筆,顏料,畫布,水杯,簽名筆等^^太過份吧~)據知Ashley wood也有留意一些有關我的作品及動向,我還以為Ashley wood一定比較喜歡copperhead這類設計的,天啊,原來他更喜歡的是Molly呢~拿了人家的大禮,又怎好意思,就把我這個Molly試色版送 了給偶像好了。


繼Gallerydevie以AsterNg的拳擊懾影展打開了THE-BOXER系列展覽的序幕後 ( ),Molly將以另一形態的拳擊出戰第二回合展覽。
三月十二日至四月九日於中環歌賦街四十五號Gallery de vie鋪面展出。
想得到這張印刷精美的大海報和postcard就千萬別錯過今次的展覽啦,更可以順道欣賞Aster Ng的拳擊懾影展呢~


主題— The boxer

08年的金融海潚對全世界的沖擊,至今仍未完結,全球經濟受到前所未有巨大威脅,大企業以至弱小社群均要接受一次又一次的嚴峻考驗,一輪比一輪強勁的金融海潚沖擊到底身在香港的我們有沒有辦法迎戰到底呢?有監於此,Gallery de vie特地邀請了本好幾位本地藝術家以多種心情,分別以攝影,雕塑以及繪畫,figure等,各自表達對面臨危機的種種態度。

地址中環歌賦街四十五號地下Gallery de vie鋪面及地庫畫廊。
聯絡人—Keo 92340861

Molly the Boxer 2nd round Exhibition succeeded to Boxing Photo Exhibition by Aster Ng. ( you may refer to ). By the time, you will have this free poster, of course you won’t miss Aster’s exhibition.

Theme: the Boxer

As a result of the financial crisis and a slowdown in the global economy, Hong Kong’s economy suffered a heavy blow in the year of 2008. Seems the financial tsunami still have a continue effect to us. No matter it’s enterprises or small business units, people need to struggle with difficult environment. Due to this reason, Gallery de Vie together with several local artists to hold an exhibition named “the Boxer”. All works manifest the theme on photo, sculptures, paintings, figurines…

Address: Gallery de Vie, G/F., 45 Gough Street, Central, Hong Kong.

Period: 11:00 am – 09:00 pm,12th March – 9th April.

Contact person: Keo 92340861


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