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D.I.Y. QEE Project:
Date: 21 – 26 March, 2008
Place: Comic City, Gong Yuan Qian Metro Station,
GuangZhou City, China

D.I.Y. QEE Project x Molly x Bart

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This is my first time to see him in HK~ hey Jimmy’s fans pls don’t miss the chance to see his original drawings here~

Master Jimmy @ Time square HK

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A private exhibition from KK

Saturday, March 22, 2008

This is really a crazy exhibition I ever seen. Figurines, Tank , water gun …it brings back my memories of childhood, it shows the incredibly of character design and vinyl toys productions from the past of Hong Kong,

Hope U could know KK one day and share the joy with his fantastic collections .


oh, he’s touching my hand^^ haha so cute!! are U asking for some toys?
hey baby, my toys is not for children under 6 !

My little brother’s new born baby

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It’s not that easy to get a ticket from my friend to see this interesting show.

Molly, how do U think about this kind of art, any inspiration?

Molly” it looks like my helmet ^^”


Cycling Molly and the Mobile art

Saturday, March 22, 2008


再由兩位金髮美女分別以Cycling Molly 以及Boxing Molly的造型出現更連同兩位極之可愛的外籍小女孩化身為Equestrian Molly和Swimming Molly為現場增添不少熱烈的氣氛。大會更隆重其事,特別邀請三位香港代表隊暢談運動的樂趣以及即將參與2008奧運的感受。



Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Somethings U guys may not know, I ‘ve met so many interesting things, especially people for these two years working in kennyswork, you know, behind copperhead-18 development, I ‘ve met some navy divers from different countries, we shared the joy of figure and marine world , it seems to be man’s zone only, U might think they only interested and crazy about this kind of toys and figures.. No U are wrong, I could tell U that some of them also loves Molly ^^ some brothersworker collectors and even their girl friends and wife also love her very much ~the day when Molly came to my world of design, it make everything different.
It seems like a magic that I found there are so many Molly collector call Molly, some of them are kids, some of them are mother,…My friend’s new born baby also call Molly~ and I even got a mail from a lady call Molly Painter, this is her real name~ so cool right? Yesterday I got a email from another Molly , she is a professional tennis player, she told me that she is going to be a official Molly collector as well ,she also told me that Molly is a name of Irish origin (a form of Mary – and means “star of the sea”). ^^Thanks Molly!! nice to meet U all~May one day All Molly can come together hahaha~Some friends of me may know that I like yoga … and recently I also found that a woman call molly kenny^^she is a yoga instructor..^^ so Funny right?

【新聞稿】新都會廣場Mollympic 2008 展覽別注版Mollympic率先曝光 迎接銳不可當的運動旋風《香港 - 2008年3月3日》全城引頸以待的08年運動界盛事即將開鑼,新都會廣場將於今個復活節率先掀起這股勢不可當的運動熱潮,伙拍本地著名設計師及插畫師 Kenny Wong,於3月20日至4月6日呈獻「新都會廣場 Mollympic 2008 展覽」,首次展出12款從未曝光、由Kenny特別配合運動主題而設計的Mollympic 系列模型、以及一系列Molly 模型及精品,勢必掀起一股運動狂熱。


Molly 曾於台灣及馬來西亞進行巡迴展覽,是次香港站「新都會廣場 Mollympic 2008 展覽」,特別以Mollympic 為主題,展出從未曝光的Molly系列,為Molly 面世後,最大型、最具規模的展覽。當中尤其曯目的是首次曝光的12款別注版Mollympic系列,大眼嘟嘴的Molly以馬術、游泳、體操、自由搏擊、 單車、田徑、足球、籃球、網球、溜冰、冰上曲棍球及棒球等造型曝光。每款造型均動感十足、奪目繽紛,細意地刺激女生們的運動細胞,教人躍動起來。在多個造 型中,最突出的當然是身穿馬術服飾、英姿颯爽的Equestrian Molly,正好為於今個仲夏舉行的大型比賽作預告;其他造型均配以不同的運動服飾,以熱情嬌艷的紅色、純潔亮麗的白色及自由奔放的藍色作主調,配以金澄 澄髮尾微微上翹的娃娃造型,令Molly散發出旺盛澎湃的活力。


展區內更將展出包括第一代Molly the painter 造型模型及精品,並讓公眾人士體驗Molly的運動造型。展覽由入口的巨型Mollympic 模型展開,進入 Mollympic 隧道後,兩旁的Molly畫廊就會引領參觀者進入Molly 的世界中;旁邊的鏡子貼上了多款Molly 運動造型的貼紙,參觀者可在鏡影中看見自己化身成Molly 運動的倒影,率先參與運動盛事。展區則擺放了Mollympic 主題展品,以及以小畫家形象示人的第一代Molly the painter 模型及其他百變形象,包括天使、美人魚、公主、廚師等等。場內還有多款Molly精品,包括文具、T-shirt及擺設盡情「大晒冷」,一次過滿足 Molly「粉絲」的願望。


在欣賞展覽之餘,顧客亦可專享多項購物優惠。新都會廣場將於3月21日至4月6日期間的星期六、日及公眾假期(註一)推出「Molly x boutiques@metroplaza」購物獎賞,精選多款Molly精品以饋贈顧客。顧客凡於新都會廣場三樓之 boutiques@metroplaza專區內消費滿港幣300元 (註二),即可獲Molly Giftcard乙張,換取Molly手版公仔、電話繩、便條紙、滑鼠墊等Molly精美禮品乙份。數量有限,換完即止。


指定換領時間﹕3月21 – 24日、29 – 30日及4月4 – 6日(中午12時起)

「大眼嘟嘴」Molly的設計概念源自設計師Kenny Wong在一次工作時,偶然看到一個嘟著嘴繪畫的小女孩,並被她天真爛漫的神態及表情深深吸引著,就是這樣便創作了Molly。個子小小的Molly,有 著如藍寶石般澄澈的大眼睛、彰顯獨特個性的金色微微向上翹的短髮、加上嘟嘟的櫻桃小嘴,可愛得教人愛不釋手。

賦予Molly生命的Kenny Wong為本地著名設計師及插畫師,「鐵人兄弟」成員之一。自2000年組成「鐵人兄弟」後,Kenny並與另外兩位志同道合的成員合作推出多個著名的模 型系列,如 “brothersworker”、”brothersjoker”等。Kenny 更曾獲多個品牌邀請,crossover推出主題搪膠公仔,備受一眾潮人極力推崇。於2005年,Kenny成立自家品牌 Kennyswork,於同年創作頭炮作品Molly,並遠赴馬來西亞、台灣等地展出及交流。


新都會廣場位置優越,毗鄰葵芳地鐵站,連同購物商場上蓋的兩座35層高的甲級商業大樓,佔地達150萬平方呎;是葵青區規模最大的商場,亦成為該區的地 標。新都會廣場引入了不少首次在葵青區開設分店的名牌商戶及特色食肆包括Euro go go、susuki caf� 、Best Berry、Relaxing Tea House、小城知味及潮館等,而場內設施亦注入了嶄新元素:如三樓以真的沙石鋪砌而成的露天噴泉廣場,以及廣場中央的互動噴池,營造出強烈的大自然感 覺,讓顧客可於新都會廣場這個時尚消閒熱點裏,盡情享受購物的樂趣。

發稿 : 新鴻基地產代理有限公司

More details about CUBE

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Welding mask

Meters of the adjustable balanced regulator

Side view

Sorry for not updating the website for a while~

Molly’s products

Molly’s figure

Molly’s painting

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